Entries by Jon Beck

Value Your Home Computer Data

At work, you probably have an IT person who makes sure your servers and desktops are backed-up.  But what about your home computers?  I hand’t thought about it until my 16 year old came to me one day and said, “my laptop is acting funny”. Turns out her hard drive was going bad.  The drive wasn’t […]

How To Create Business Value

What are the key value drivers when preparing your business for sale?  Several inter-related factors help determine the salability and value of a privately held business. A successful business sale depends on attention to each factor. Financials Ultimately, a business sale is usually structured based upon a multiple of cash flow (either EBITDA or Discretionary […]

Different Types of Buyers

Different buyers have different objectives and levels of experience. Understanding these differences can help you in getting the kind of deal you want. As you begin discussions with potential buyers, it’s important to keep in mind that buyer’s goals and objectives vary greatly. In general, buyers can be classified into three groups: strategic buyers (public […]

What Are Your Options If You Want Out of Your Business?

Think your business is successful because you’re financially profitable? Think again. Your firm’s success isn’t complete until you’ve found a way to get those profits out. Selling the business to investors is one way to do that. But there are other ways to exit a company, and you should consider them all before deciding that […]

Your Business Through a Buyer’s Eye

You know everything about your business or so every business owner assumes.  Many experience a rude awakening, however, when they attempt to sell or recapitalize their business and the buyer begins the due diligence process.  The bad news is that you can’t avoid the due diligence process if you ever intend to sell or recapitlize your business.  However, […]

When To Sell?

That’s the $64 dollar question and we’ve been asked it by business owners for over 25 years. Frankly if we could answer it, we’d already be sitting on a beach somewhere enjoying the sun and relaxing. So, the honest answer is, “We don’t know when you should sell your business.” But, we do know that […]